
Concrete cutting, diamond drilling, slab removal


High Wycombe Town Centre Car Park Refurbishment – Just the Ticket for TCC Concrete Cutting Diamond Drilling Slab Lifting and Removal Project Duration: 2 days per opening Project Overview When High Wycombe town centre was being redeveloped, TCC was contracted to undertake an important element in the overall scheme. The company was asked to find a speedy solution to cutting three new openings for ramps in the multi-story car park serving retail outlets and offices involved in the major redevelopment programme. Project Methodology After undertaking a full risk assessment and sharing a methodology plan with the customer, TCC opted for a combination of concrete diamond cutting and drilling to create 1m x 5m long sections that could be lifted free. Critical to the success of the operation was ensuring the rigorous application of Health & Safety procedures to safeguard the well-being of TCC operatives within a carefully controlled working area. TCC replicated the working process for each of the 16m x 5m openings in the 200mm thick cast reinforced concrete slabs. First holes were diamond drilled along the lengths of the slabs to fix straps that would hold the concrete sections as they were being cut. Once cut, each section was lifted clear until each opening was complete. Key Performance Criteria This was a project with Health & Safety at its heart. In line with the TCC methodology statement and Risk Assessment, the work area was segregated with barriers both on and below the level being cut. All operatives and machinery were secured using harnesses and restraints to ensure optimum site safety. Outcomes The work was completed on time and the finish provided by the diamond saw meant that the openings were ready to receive the new steel frames and ramps without any need to make good. TCC was subsequently awarded additional work by the client. Call 01243 572784

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