About Us
The GreenAge We provide energy efficiency advice to help households and businesses save money on energy bills and also become more sustainable.
We are fast becoming the no.1 consumer energy efficiency hub on the web.
We want to help you save money on your energy bills by becoming more energy efficient. This could be a simple thing like replacing an old 50watt incandescent bulb with a new energy efficient LED bulb or by replacing old electric storage heaters with a completely new energy efficient gas boiler. The idea behind these measures is the same, to use less energy! Be it gas or electricity. The great thing about becoming more energy efficient is that you are also helping to lower your carbon footprint, which is great for the environment and great for your wallet. We also want you to learn about energy self generation, like installing solar PV to create your own electricity or an air source heat pump to produce your own hot water. These things are backed by Government subsidies and grants to help make them affordable, so they really are in reach of everyone.
Energy Saving Shop
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