
NWTTBS Raises Funds at Christmas Lunch


Around 150 members of the timber trade and their guests attended the North West Timber Trades' Benevolent Society's (TTBS) Christmas lunch at the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool on December 16 – "a truly magnificent achievement" in the current economic climate, according to TTBS national president David Francis. Along with the customary raffle and bingo the main attraction of the day was the national draw for an oak bureau donated by Venables Brothers Ltd. Tickets sold nationwide raised £3,050 for the Society. Paul Venables made the draw and the winner was Duncan Lees of Duffield Timber in Yorkshire. Mr Lees was at the lunch and was therefore able to accept his prize on the day. Venables Brothers, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2009, donated the bureau as part of its celebrations and in the words of Paul Venables "to put something back into the trade which has been good to them". The North West TTBS committee would like to thank everyone for their generous support in helping to raise £4,200.

Visit the Venables Oak website for more information on NWTTBS Raises Funds at Christmas Lunch


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