
Erosamat withstands sternest test


During the autumn of 2013 15,000m2 of Erosamat 3/20Z was installed as stabilisation along the Allermore spillway on the Parrett and Sowy River in Somerset. It was not realised at the time but the product was soon to take the sternest test of its performance as it was submersed beneath the floods that swept through the Somerset levels during January 2014. During the flooding the Erosamat 3/20Z was exposed to water velocities that far exceeded those specified on the datasheet for the product, however once the flooding had subsided it was discovered that it had performed well only requiring minor repairs and some soil backfill to ensure full vegetation cover is maintained into the future and ready for future events.

Visit the ABG Ltd website for more information on Erosamat withstands sternest test


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