Dawnus donates over 1000 Mosquito Nets in SL
P. falciparum, one of the parasites that causes malaria, is the biggest killer of children under five and pregnant women in Sierra Leone. It is responsible for 38% * of children's deaths and these malaria deaths are simply and easily preventable with simple measures such as the use of mosquito nets and high dose vitamin A. This year Dawnus, in conjunction with paramedics Ella Wilson, Jan Bester and local Salone councillor Paul, have protected all 2,500 residents of Bere Junction from malaria, by providing such nets.
Over a 6 month period, the company imported, delivered and supervised the distribution of enough insecticide-treated nets to protect all 1,250 sleeping spaces in the town, which is located about three hours drive from the capital city Freetown on the road to Makeni.
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