
About Us

Here at Envirolawn LTD we are a company which was born from the joining together of two companies who were both working in garden landscaping.

It was sole destroying to watch all of the hard work turn into weeds and muddy areas which were unusable for the children that it was designed in order to help.

We discovered that the difference artificial surfaces made to the use of play areas around the North of England was massive, the children were attracted by the green, clean, safe environment of artificial grass and were no longer restricted to the weather conditions.


  • Envirolawn 24mm

  • Envirolawn 35mm

  • Envirolawn 40 for Hockey

  • Envirolawn 40, 50 & 60 for Football

  • Envirolawn Excel 15mm

  • Envirolawn Excel 40mm

  • Envirolawn Golf Grass for Other Sports

  • Envirolawn Maintenance

  • Envirolawn Pro Tee 35 Beige for Other Sports and Golf

  • EnvirolawnTournament 18 for multi sport

Envirolawn has 13 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 13 Products

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  • St Luke's C of E Primary School

  • Envirolawn’s latest installation for Southport based Futsal Football Company SSS sees the first 3G indoor sports surface installed in the town.

  • Rear Garden, Southport

  • Olympics & Wenlock

  • An absolute pleasure to have Envirolawn at my house

Envirolawn has 5 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 5 of 5 News