
Don't let a Swimming Pool Leak ruin your fun.


Swimming pools are growing in popularity around the UK and once the warmer, summer months arrive it’s common for homeowners to be uncovering the pool and taking a dip. However, a concern for many once the hot summer rolls around, is discovering a swimming pool leak. There could be a number of reasons for the leak, but often it’s the result of freezing temperatures over the winter. Polygon engineers use specialist techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to locate hidden swimming pool leaks, saving you time and money on leak detection and the overall repair job. Our technical expertise provides a cost effective solution for resolving any swimming pool leak you may discover. What is swimming pool leak detection? At Polygon, our team of engineers are fully qualified to offer non-destructive leak detection and repair for your swimming pool. This service avoids the necessity of carrying out a large-scale excavation, considerably reducing costs and cutting down the time required to detect the leak. A swimming pool leak has the capability of creating a serious problem and among other things, the loss of water can add a great deal to your utility bills. One customer, as described in our swimming pool leak case study, was losing up to 5cm of water every day. When the original installer couldn’t rectify the problem, they called in Polygon’s engineers to resolve the situation. Why choose Polygon? Our qualified leak detection engineers are able to conduct a series of tests to determine the scale and location of the problem. The team can carry out their work without causing damage to the swimming pool and if necessary, will empty the pool of all water to take remedial action. Polygon’s comprehensive swimming pool leak detection service delivers fast and efficient results, to ensure your swimming pool can be used once again, as quickly as possible

Visit the Polygon website for more information on Don't let a Swimming Pool Leak ruin your fun.


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