
Our Plumbing Maintenance Surveys will give you peace of mind.


Water leaks are common and unfortunately, too many people only fully understand the damage and disruption a leak can cause after it’s too late. A water leak could strike at anytime and for the most part, may well go unnoticed until the signs of flooding are apparent, or an excessive water bill comes through the post. This is why Polygon offers a plumbing maintenance survey, in order to detect problem areas and advise on the best course of action to safeguard against potential leaks in the future. We will carry out a number of tests onsite and provide advice and support on how to mitigate against water leaks and the damage one would cause. The plumbing maintenance survey is ideal for facilities mangers and property mangers alike, helping to avoid the costs of repairing a leak in the future and ensuring safety is not compromised. There are numerous ways Polygon will survey your plumbing to detect the possibility of any future problems, including thermal imaging and tracer gas. You’ll then be given comprehensive feedback on the state of the building’s plumbing system and receive detailed information on how to improve efficiency and increase life span. Just some of the reasons to consider a plumbing maintenance survey include: Ensuring the continued safety of everyone using the building Identifying potential future problems and taking action to avoid what could be expensive repair work Being part of a full home survey when purchasing a new property, to uncover hidden problems invisible to the naked eye Gaining peace of mind and putting you at ease. As part of your plumbing maintenance survey, some of the areas that will be inspected and checked for are: Leaks Blockages Worn or damaged seals Old plumbing The quality of water tanks Repair work required.

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